You often forget, or forget something quickly because of an accident? Better be careful, you could be suffering from ild Alzheimer Symptoms. Or, you shouldregularly consume coffe, drinks daily are considered good for preventing Alzheimer's.
"Alzheimer's dementia is kind of dangerous because it can paralyze a person's mindand intellect. This situation is indicated by a decline in intellectual and emotionalfunctions are progressively and slowly that it interferes with daily social activities.
Well there are studies that say that coffee prevents Alzheimer's. This is because thecoffee there is a stimulant, caffeine, and antioxidants that stimulate the brain cells.
According to Samuel, one cause of Alzheimer's is the release of free radicals in the brain overload. In this case, caffeine can just go. "Said Samuel Oetoro, MS, SpGK,clinical nutrition specialist from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia(Faculty of medicine) in a media workshop.
But not because it could prevent symptoms of Alzheimer's, we then consume too much coffee. The problem, though good for preventing Alzheimer's Coffee has a number of side effects detrimental to health.
"Although there are studies that prove these benefits, Samuel still does not encourage us to consume excessive coffee reason, too much coffee can also affect the health and body .." Maximum drinking two cups of coffee a day, "he added.
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